Louis Althusser

Philosophy and the
Spontaneous Philosophy
of the Scientists

Other Essays

Edited by Gregory Elliot



London - New York


Prepared © for the Internet by David J. Romagnolo,
[email protected] (October 2003)

    Transcriber's Note -- The following collection of essays span the period 1965-1978 and give expression to what some might characterize as a "right-ward drift" in certain of Althusser's political and ideological positions. Two of the seven essays listed in the table of contents below appear in other collections of this site and are not reproduced here. Moreover, I have not reproduced the editor's "Introduction", although the editor's footnotes acompanying each of Althusser's essays have been retained. An index from the text is also included, albeit modified to exclude the small Roman Numerial references to pages from the editor's Introduction. Although the subject headings and page references in the index are NOT linked to the various sections of the text, it should prove useful once you have downloaded and saved all sections of the book (in one folder) on your hard drive. You will need to use two browsers (or two windows of the same browser) at the same time: one for viewing the text, and the other for viewing the index. Using the browser's "Find..." command, key words from the index can be entered, or, you can go to specific page references by entering "page x" (where "x" is a number -- there must be a space between the word "page" and the number). Below is the complete table of contents.




*Théorie, practique théorique et formation théorique.
Idéologie et lutte idéologique
April 1965.
Unpublished typescript.
Translated by James H. Kavanagh



*Sur le travail théorique. Difficultés et ressources,
La Pensée 132, April 1967.
Translated by James H. Kavanagh



*Philosophie et philosophie spontanée des savants (1967),
François Maspero, Paris 1974.
Translated by Warren Montag


*La Transformación de la filosofia,
Universidad de Granada, Granada, 1976.
Translated by Thomas E. Lewis.



*Le Marxisme aujourd'hui, published in Italian under the title
Un balancio critico as part of the article Marxism,
in Enciclopedia Europea, vol. VII, Aldo Garzanti, Milan 1978.
Translated by James H. Kavanagh.


From Marx to Mao

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